mlab mlab-module kicad kicad-pcb kicad-project mlab-kicad pcb


PixHawk - MLAB interface


This is an open-source hardware design, one of the modules from the MLAB labolatory system.

MODUL01 - Template to create a new MLAB module

MLAB's module template repository. Please use the "Use this template" button to create a new MLAB module from this repository.

The new module repository name must be identical to proposed new module name. Please look in MLAB design rules for acceptable naming convention. After creating of the new repository, rename the default git branch to be named corresponding to the revision of the module. Generally adding the "A" suffix to the module name. Therefore new repository named MODULENAME01 should has the branch name MODULENAME01A.

Then clone the new MLAB's module repository to your workstation. After that perform following steps in the cloned repository.

1. Initialize the assets submodule, update it to latest version

  git submodule update --init --remote

2. Copy the fresh automation workflows

The following command copy up-to-date KiCAD automation workflow to the new MLAB module repository.

  cd doc/assets/workflows/

3. Start the design work

In that point you should start to design the new MLAB module project by using the design tools.

4. Replace this readme

This readme should be replaced by a description of the yours new module project! :) Please look to the in root of other modules to get an ispiration.

Thanks for contributing!