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  Coppermine Photo Gallery
  Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Coppermine Dev Team
  v1.1 originaly written by Gregory DEMAR

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  Coppermine version: 1.3.3
  $Source: /cvsroot/coppermine/stable/bridge/,v $
  $Revision: 1.9 $
  $Author: gaugau $
  $Date: 2005/04/19 03:17:13 $

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Modify the values below according to your Board installation              //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// database configuration
define('IB_DB_NAME', 'ivboard'); // The name of the database used by the board
define('IB_BD_HOST', 'localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('IB_DB_USERNAME', 'root'); // The username to use to connect to the database
define('IB_DB_PASSWORD', ''); // The password to use to connect to the database

// The web path to your Invision Board directory
// In this example
define('IB_WEB_PATH', '/ivboard/');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// You can keep the default values below if your installation is standard
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// The prefix for the Invision Board cookies
define('IB_COOKIE_PREFIX', ''); // The prefix used for board cookies

// Prefix and names for the database tables
define('IB_TABLE_PREFIX', 'ibf_'); // The prefix used for the DB tables
define('IB_USER_TABLE', 'members'); // The members table
define('IB_SESSION_TABLE', 'sessions'); // The sessions table
define('IB_GROUP_TABLE', 'groups'); // The groups table

// Group definitions (default values used by the board)
define('IB_GUEST_GROUP', 2);
define('IB_MEMBERS_GROUP', 3);
define('IB_ADMIN_GROUP', 4);
define('IB_BANNED_GROUP', 5);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Nothing to edit below this line
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Authenticate a user using cookies
function udb_authenticate()
    // For error checking
    // Permissions for a default group
    $default_group = array('group_id' => IB_GUEST_GROUP,
        'group_name' => 'Unknown',
        'has_admin_access' => 0,
        'can_send_ecards' => 0,
        'can_rate_pictures' => 0,
        'can_post_comments' => 0,
        'can_upload_pictures' => 0,
        'can_create_albums' => 0,
        'pub_upl_need_approval' => 1,
        'priv_upl_need_approval' => 1,
        'upload_form_config' => 0,
        'custom_user_upload' => 0,
        'num_file_upload' => 0,
        'num_URI_upload' => 0,
        'has_admin_access' => 0,
        'can_see_all_albums' => 0,
        'groups' => array (IB_GUEST_GROUP)
    // Retrieve cookie stored login information
    if (!isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[IB_COOKIE_PREFIX . 'member_id']) || !isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[IB_COOKIE_PREFIX . 'pass_hash'])) {
        $cookie_uid = 0;
        $cookie_pass = '*';
    } else {
        $cookie_uid = (int)$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[IB_COOKIE_PREFIX . 'member_id'];
        $cookie_pass = substr(addslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[IB_COOKIE_PREFIX . 'pass_hash']), 0, 32);
    // If autologin was not selected, we need to use the sessions table
    if (!$cookie_uid && isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[IB_COOKIE_PREFIX . 'session_id'])) {
        $session_id = addslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[IB_COOKIE_PREFIX . 'session_id']);

        if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
            $remote_ip = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        } elseif (isset($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) {
            $remote_ip = $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR;
        } elseif (isset($HTTP_PROXY_USER)) {
            $remote_ip = $HTTP_PROXY_USER;
        } elseif (isset($REMOTE_ADDR)) {
            $remote_ip = $REMOTE_ADDR;
        } else {
            $remote_ip = '-1';

        $remote_ip = preg_replace("/^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})/", "\\1.\\2.\\3.\\4", $remote_ip);

        $sql = "SELECT member_id as user_id, member_name as user_name, member_group as mgroup " . "FROM " . $UDB_DB_NAME_PREFIX . IB_TABLE_PREFIX . IB_SESSION_TABLE . " " . "WHERE id = '$session_id' AND ip_address = '$remote_ip'";
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT id as user_id, name as user_name, mgroup " . "FROM " . $UDB_DB_NAME_PREFIX . IB_TABLE_PREFIX . IB_USER_TABLE . " " . "WHERE id='$cookie_uid' AND password='$cookie_pass'";

    $result = db_query($sql, $UDB_DB_LINK_ID);

    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        $USER_DATA = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        define('USER_ID', (int)$USER_DATA['user_id']);
        define('USER_NAME', $USER_DATA['user_name']);
        // Retrieve group information
        $sql = "SELECT * " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} " . "WHERE group_id = '{$USER_DATA['mgroup']}'";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
            $USER_DATA2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        } else {
            $USER_DATA2 = $default_group;

        $USER_DATA = array_merge($USER_DATA, $USER_DATA2);
                $USER_DATA['groups'] = array ($USER_DATA['group_id']);

                $USER_DATA['has_admin_access'] = USER_ID ? ($USER_DATA['mgroup'] == IB_ADMIN_GROUP) : 0;
                $USER_DATA['can_see_all_albums'] = $USER_DATA['has_admin_access'];

        define('USER_GROUP', $USER_DATA['group_name']);
        define('USER_GROUP_SET', '(' . $USER_DATA['group_id'] . ')');
        define('USER_IS_ADMIN', USER_ID ? ($USER_DATA['mgroup'] == IB_ADMIN_GROUP) : 0);
        define('USER_CAN_SEND_ECARDS', (int)$USER_DATA['can_send_ecards']);
        define('USER_CAN_RATE_PICTURES', (int)$USER_DATA['can_rate_pictures']);
        define('USER_CAN_POST_COMMENTS', (int)$USER_DATA['can_post_comments']);
        define('USER_CAN_UPLOAD_PICTURES', (int)$USER_DATA['can_upload_pictures']);
        define('USER_CAN_CREATE_ALBUMS', USER_ID ? (int)$USER_DATA['can_create_albums'] : 0);
        define('USER_UPLOAD_FORM', (int)$USER_DATA['upload_form_config']);
        define('CUSTOMIZE_UPLOAD_FORM', (int)$USER_DATA['custom_user_upload']);
        define('NUM_FILE_BOXES', (int)$USER_DATA['num_file_upload']);
        define('NUM_URI_BOXES', (int)$USER_DATA['num_URI_upload']);
    } else {
        $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} WHERE group_id = " . IB_GUEST_GROUP);
        if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
            $USER_DATA = $default_group;
        } else {
            $USER_DATA = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        $USER_DATA['groups'] = array (IB_GUEST_GROUP);
                $USER_DATA['has_admin_access'] = 0;
                $USER_DATA['can_see_all_albums'] = 0;

        define('USER_ID', 0);
        define('USER_NAME', 'Anonymous');
        define('USER_GROUP_SET', '(' . IB_GUEST_GROUP . ')');
        define('USER_IS_ADMIN', 0);
        define('USER_CAN_SEND_ECARDS', (int)$USER_DATA['can_send_ecards']);
        define('USER_CAN_RATE_PICTURES', (int)$USER_DATA['can_rate_pictures']);
        define('USER_CAN_POST_COMMENTS', (int)$USER_DATA['can_post_comments']);
        define('USER_CAN_UPLOAD_PICTURES', (int)$USER_DATA['can_upload_pictures']);
        define('USER_CAN_CREATE_ALBUMS', 0);
        define('USER_UPLOAD_FORM', (int)$USER_DATA['upload_form_config']);
        define('CUSTOMIZE_UPLOAD_FORM', (int)$USER_DATA['custom_user_upload']);
        define('NUM_FILE_BOXES', (int)$USER_DATA['num_file_upload']);
        define('NUM_URI_BOXES', (int)$USER_DATA['num_URI_upload']);
// Retrieve the name of a user
function udb_get_user_name($uid)

    $sql = "SELECT name as user_name " . "FROM " . $UDB_DB_NAME_PREFIX . IB_TABLE_PREFIX . IB_USER_TABLE . " " . "WHERE id = '$uid'";

    $result = db_query($sql, $UDB_DB_LINK_ID);

    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        return $row['user_name'];
    } else {
        return '';
// Retrieve the name of a user (Added to fix banning w/ bb integration - Nibbler)
function udb_get_user_id($username)

    $username = addslashes($username);

    $sql = "SELECT id as user_id " . "FROM " . $UDB_DB_NAME_PREFIX . IB_TABLE_PREFIX . IB_USER_TABLE . " " . "WHERE name = '$username'";

    $result = db_query($sql, $UDB_DB_LINK_ID);

    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        return $row['user_id'];
    } else {
        return '';

// Redirect
function udb_redirect($target)
    header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . IB_WEB_PATH . $target);

// Register
function udb_register_page()
    $target = 'index.php?&act=Reg&CODE=00';
// Login
function udb_login_page()
    $target = 'index.php?&act=Login&CODE=00';
// Logout
function udb_logout_page()
    $target = 'index.php?&act=Login&CODE=03';
// Edit users
function udb_edit_users()
    $target = 'admin.php';
// Get user information
function udb_get_user_infos($uid)
    global $lang_register_php;

    $sql = "SELECT name as user_name, mgroup, email as user_email, joined as user_regdate, " . "location as user_location, interests as user_interests, website as user_website " . "FROM " . $UDB_DB_NAME_PREFIX . IB_TABLE_PREFIX . IB_USER_TABLE . " " . "WHERE id = '$uid'";
    $result = db_query($sql, $UDB_DB_LINK_ID);

    if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_register_php['err_unk_user'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $user_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);

    $user_data['group_name'] = '';
    $user_data['user_occupation'] = '';

    $sql = "SELECT group_name " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} " . "WHERE group_id = {$user_data['mgroup']} ";
    $result = db_query($sql);

    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $user_data['group_name'] = $row['group_name'];

    return $user_data;
// Edit user profile
function udb_edit_profile($uid)
    $target = 'index.php?&act=UserCP&CODE=00';
// Query used to list users
function udb_list_users_query(&$user_count)

    if ($FORBIDDEN_SET != "") $forbidden = "AND $FORBIDDEN_SET";
    $sql = "SELECT (category - " . FIRST_USER_CAT . ") as user_id," . "        '???' as user_name," . "        COUNT(DISTINCT a.aid) as alb_count," . "        COUNT(DISTINCT pid) as pic_count," . "        MAX(pid) as thumb_pid " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS a " . "INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p ON p.aid = a.aid " . "WHERE approved = 'YES' AND category > " . FIRST_USER_CAT . " $forbidden GROUP BY category " . "ORDER BY category ";
    $result = db_query($sql);

    $user_count = mysql_num_rows($result);

    return $result;

function udb_list_users_retrieve_data($result, $lower_limit, $count)

    mysql_data_seek($result, $lower_limit);

    $rowset = array();
    $i = 0;
    $user_id_set = '';

    while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) && ($i++ < $count)) {
        $user_id_set .= $row['user_id'] . ',';
        $rowset[] = $row;

    $user_id_set = '(' . substr($user_id_set, 0, -1) . ')';
    $sql = "SELECT id as user_id, name as user_name " . "FROM " . $UDB_DB_NAME_PREFIX . IB_TABLE_PREFIX . IB_USER_TABLE . " " . "WHERE id IN $user_id_set";
    $result = db_query($sql, $UDB_DB_LINK_ID);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $name[$row['user_id']] = $row['user_name'];
    for($i = 0; $i < count($rowset); $i++) {
        $rowset[$i]['user_name'] = empty($name[$rowset[$i]['user_id']]) ? '???' : $name[$rowset[$i]['user_id']];

    return $rowset;
// Group table synchronisation
function udb_synchronize_groups()

    $result = db_query("SELECT g_id, g_title FROM " . $UDB_DB_NAME_PREFIX . IB_TABLE_PREFIX . IB_GROUP_TABLE . " WHERE 1", $UDB_DB_LINK_ID);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $ib_groups[$row['g_id']] = $row['g_title'];

    $result = db_query("SELECT group_id, group_name FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} WHERE 1");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $cpg_groups[$row['group_id']] = $row['group_name'];
    // Scan Coppermine groups that need to be deleted
    foreach($cpg_groups as $c_group_id => $c_group_name) {
        if ((!isset($ib_groups[$c_group_id]))) {
            db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} WHERE group_id = '" . $c_group_id . "' LIMIT 1");
    // Scan Invision Board groups that need to be created inside Coppermine table
    foreach($ib_groups as $i_group_id => $i_group_name) {
        if ((!isset($cpg_groups[$i_group_id]))) {
            db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} (group_id, group_name) VALUES ('$i_group_id', '" . addslashes($i_group_name) . "')");
            $cpg_groups[$i_group_id] = $i_group_name;
    // Update Group names
    foreach($ib_groups as $i_group_id => $i_group_name) {
        if ($cpg_groups[$i_group_id] != $i_group_name) {
            db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} SET group_name = '" . addslashes($i_group_name) . "' WHERE group_id = '$i_group_id' LIMIT 1");
// Retrieve the album list used in gallery admin mode
function udb_get_admin_album_list()

        $sql = "SELECT aid, CONCAT('(', name, ') ', a.title) AS title " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS a " . "INNER JOIN " . $UDB_DB_NAME_PREFIX . IB_TABLE_PREFIX . IB_USER_TABLE . " AS u ON category = (" . FIRST_USER_CAT . " + id) " . "ORDER BY title";
        return $sql;
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT aid, IF(category > " . FIRST_USER_CAT . ", CONCAT('* ', title), CONCAT(' ', title)) AS title " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} " . "ORDER BY title";
        return $sql;

function udb_util_filloptions()
    global $albumtbl, $picturetbl, $categorytbl, $lang_util_php, $CONFIG, $UDB_DB_NAME_PREFIX, $UDB_DB_LINK_ID;



        $query = "SELECT aid, category, IF(name IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('(', name, ') ', a.title), CONCAT(' - ', a.title)) AS title " . "FROM $albumtbl AS a " . "LEFT JOIN $usertbl AS u ON category = (" . FIRST_USER_CAT . " + id) " . "ORDER BY category, title";
        $result = db_query($query, $UDB_DB_LINK_ID);
        // $num=mysql_numrows($result);
        echo '<select size="1" name="albumid">';

        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            $sql = "SELECT name FROM $categorytbl WHERE cid = " . $row["category"];
            $result2 = db_query($sql);
            $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

            print "<option value=\"" . $row["aid"] . "\">" . $row2["name"] . $row["title"] . "</option>\n";

        print '</select> (3)';
        print '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="'.$lang_util_php['submit_form'].'" class="submit" /> (4)';
        print '</form>';

    } else {

        // Query for list of public albums

        $public_albums = db_query("SELECT aid, title, category FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE category < " . FIRST_USER_CAT . " ORDER BY title");

        if (mysql_num_rows($public_albums)) {
            $public_result = db_fetch_rowset($public_albums);
        } else {
            $public_result = array();

        // Initialize $merged_array
        $merged_array = array();

        // Count the number of albums returned.
        $end = count($public_result);

        // Cylce through the User albums.
        for($i=0;$i<$end;$i++) {

            //Create a new array sow we may sort the final results.
            $merged_array[$i]['id'] = $public_result[$i]['aid'];
            $merged_array[$i]['album_name'] = $public_result[$i]['title'];

            // Query the database to get the category name.
            $vQuery = "SELECT name, parent FROM " . $CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES'] . " WHERE cid='" . $public_result[$i]['category'] . "'";
            $vRes = mysql_query($vQuery);
            $vRes = mysql_fetch_array($vRes);
            if (isset($merged_array[$i]['username_category'])) {
                $merged_array[$i]['username_category'] = (($vRes['name']) ? '(' . $vRes['name'] . ') ' : '').$merged_array[$i]['username_category'];
            } else {
                $merged_array[$i]['username_category'] = (($vRes['name']) ? '(' . $vRes['name'] . ') ' : '');


        // We transpose and divide the matrix into columns to prepare it for use in array_multisort().
        foreach ($merged_array as $key => $row) {
           $aid[$key] = $row['id'];
           $title[$key] = $row['album_name'];
           $album_lineage[$key] = $row['username_category'];

        // We sort all columns in descending order and plug in $album_menu at the end so it is sorted by the common key.
        array_multisort($album_lineage, SORT_ASC, $title, SORT_ASC, $aid, SORT_ASC, $merged_array);

        // Query for list of user albums

        $user_albums = db_query("SELECT aid, title, category FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE category >= " . FIRST_USER_CAT . " ORDER BY aid");
        if (mysql_num_rows($user_albums)) {
            $user_albums_list = db_fetch_rowset($user_albums);
        } else {
            $user_albums_list = array();

        // Query for list of user IDs and names

        $user_album_ids_and_names = db_query("SELECT (id + ".FIRST_USER_CAT.") as id, CONCAT('(', name, ') ') as name FROM $usertbl ORDER BY name ASC",$UDB_DB_LINK_ID);

        if (mysql_num_rows($user_album_ids_and_names)) {
            $user_album_ids_and_names_list = db_fetch_rowset($user_album_ids_and_names);
        } else {
            $user_album_ids_and_names_list = array();

        // Glue what we've got together.

        // Initialize $udb_i as a counter.
        if (count($merged_array)) {
            $udb_i = count($merged_array);
        } else {
            $udb_i = 0;

        //Begin a set of nested loops to merge the various query results.
        foreach ($user_albums_list as $aq) {
            foreach ($user_album_ids_and_names_list as $uq) {
                if ($aq['category'] == $uq['id']) {
                    $merged_array[$udb_i]['id']= $aq['category'];
                    $merged_array[$udb_i]['album_name']= $aq['title'];
                    $merged_array[$udb_i]['username_category']= $uq['name'];

        // The user albums and public albums have been merged into one list. Print the dropdown.
        echo '<select size="1" name="albumid">';

        foreach ($merged_array as $menu_item) {

            echo "<option value=\"" . $menu_item['id'] . "\">" . (isset($menu_item['username_category']) ? $menu_item['username_category'] : '') . $menu_item['album_name'] . "</option>\n";


        // Close list, etc.
        print '</select> (3)';
        print '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="'.$lang_util_php['submit_form'].'" class="submit" /> (4)';
        print '</form>';


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Define wheter we can join tables or not in SQL queries (same host & same db or user)
define('UDB_CAN_JOIN_TABLES', (IB_BD_HOST == $CONFIG['dbserver'] && (IB_DB_NAME == $CONFIG['dbname'] || IB_DB_USERNAME == $CONFIG['dbuser'])));
// Connect to Invision Board Database if necessary
$UDB_DB_NAME_PREFIX = IB_DB_NAME ? '`' . IB_DB_NAME . '`.' : '';
    if (!$UDB_DB_LINK_ID) die("<b>Coppermine critical error</b>:<br />Unable to connect to Invision Board database !<br /><br />MySQL said: <b>" . mysql_error() . "</b>");
