// WebSVN - Subversion repository viewing via the web using PHP
// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Tim Armes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA     02111-1307      USA
// --
// bugtraq.php
// Functions for accessing the bugtraq properties and replacing issue IDs
// with URLs.
// For more information about bugtraq, see
// http://svn.collab.net/repos/tortoisesvn/trunk/doc/issuetrackers.txt

class Bugtraq {
        // {{{ Properties

        var $msgstring;
        var $urlstring;
        var $logregex;
        var $append;

        var $firstPart;
        var $firstPartLen;
        var $lastPart;
        var $lastPartLen;

        var $propsfound = false;

        // }}}

        // {{{ __construct($rep, $svnrep, $path)

        function __construct($rep, $svnrep, $path) {
                global $config;

                if ($rep->isBugtraqEnabled()) {
                        $enoughdata = false;
                        if (($properties = $rep->getBugtraqProperties()) !== null) {
                                $this->msgstring = $properties['bugtraq:message'];
                                $this->logregex = $properties['bugtraq:logregex'];
                                $this->urlstring = $properties['bugtraq:url'];
                                $this->append = $properties['bugtraq:append'];
                                $enoughdata = true;
                        } else {
                                $pos = strrpos($path, '/');
                                $parent = substr($path, 0, $pos + 1);
                                $this->append = true;

                                while (!$enoughdata && (strpos($parent, '/') !== false)) {
                                        $properties = $svnrep->getProperties($parent);
                                        if (empty($this->msgstring) && in_array('bugtraq:message', $properties)) $this->msgstring = $svnrep->getProperty($parent, 'bugtraq:message');
                                        if (empty($this->logregex) && in_array('bugtraq:logregex', $properties)) $this->logregex = $svnrep->getProperty($parent, 'bugtraq:logregex');
                                        if (empty($this->urlstring) && in_array('bugtraq:url', $properties)) $this->urlstring = $svnrep->getProperty($parent, 'bugtraq:url');
                                        if (in_array('bugtraq:append', $properties) && $svnrep->getProperty($parent, 'bugtraq:append') == 'false') $this->append = false;

                                        $parent = substr($parent, 0, -1); // Remove the trailing slash
                                        $pos = strrpos($parent, '/'); // Find the last trailing slash
                                        $parent = substr($parent, 0, $pos + 1); // Find the previous parent directory
                                        $enoughdata = ((!empty($this->msgstring) || !empty($this->logregex)) && !empty($this->urlstring));

                        $this->msgstring = trim(@$this->msgstring);
                        $this->urlstring = trim(@$this->urlstring);

                        if ($enoughdata && !empty($this->msgstring)) {

                        if ($enoughdata) {
                                $this->propsfound = true;

        // }}}

        // {{{ initPartInfo()

        function initPartInfo() {
                if (($bugidpos = strpos($this->msgstring, '%BUGID%')) !== false && strpos($this->urlstring, '%BUGID%') !== false) {
                        // Get the textual parts of the message string for comparison purposes
                        $this->firstPart = substr($this->msgstring, 0, $bugidpos);
                        $this->firstPartLen = strlen($this->firstPart);
                        $this->lastPart = substr($this->msgstring, $bugidpos + 7);
                        $this->lastPartLen = strlen($this->lastPart);

        // }}}

        // {{{ replaceIDs($message)

        function replaceIDs($message) {
                if (!$this->propsfound) return $message;

                // First we search for the message string
                $logmsg = '';
                $message = rtrim($message);

                if ($this->append) {
                        // Just compare the last line
                        if (($offset = strrpos($message, "\n")) !== false) {
                                $logmsg = substr($message, 0, $offset + 1);
                                $bugLine = substr($message, $offset + 1);
                        } else {
                                $bugLine = $message;
                } else {
                        if (($offset = strpos($message, "\n")) !== false) {
                                $bugLine = substr($message, 0, $offset);
                                $logmsg = substr($message, $offset);
                        } else {
                                $bugLine = $message;

                // Make sure that our line really is an issue tracker message
                if (isset($this->firstPart) && isset($this->lastPart) && ((strncmp($bugLine, $this->firstPart, $this->firstPartLen) == 0)) && strcmp(substr($bugLine, -$this->lastPartLen, $this->lastPartLen), $this->lastPart) == 0) {
                        // Get the issues list
                        if ($this->lastPartLen > 0) {
                                $issues = substr($bugLine, $this->firstPartLen, -$this->lastPartLen);
                        } else {
                                $issues = substr($bugLine, $this->firstPartLen);

                        // Add each reference to the first part of the line
                        $line = $this->firstPart;
                        while ($pos = strpos($issues, ',')) {
                                $issue  = trim(substr($issues, 0, $pos));
                                $issues = substr($issues, $pos + 1);

                                $line .= '<a href="'.str_replace('%BUGID%', $issue, $this->urlstring).'">'.$issue.'</a>, ';
                        $line .= '<a href="'.str_replace('%BUGID%', trim($issues), $this->urlstring).'">'.trim($issues).'</a>'.$this->lastPart;

                        if ($this->append) {
                                $message = $logmsg.$line;
                        } else {
                                $message = $line.$logmsg;

                // Now replace all other instances of bug IDs that match the regex
                if ($this->logregex) {
                        $message = rtrim($message);
                        $line = '';
                        $allissues = '';

                        $lines = explode("\n", $this->logregex);
                        $regex_all = '~'.$lines[0].'~';
                        $regex_single = @$lines[1];

                        if (empty($regex_single)) {
                                // If the property only contains one line, then the pattern is only designed
                                // to find one issue number at a time.  e.g. [Ii]ssue #?(\d+).  In this case
                                // we need to replace the matched issue ID with the link.

                                if ($numMatches = preg_match_all($regex_all, $message, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
                                        $addedOffset = 0;
                                        for ($match = 0; $match < $numMatches; $match++) {
                                                $issue = $matches[$match][1][0];
                                                $issueOffset = $matches[$match][1][1];

                                                $issueLink = '<a href="'.str_replace('%BUGID%', $issue, $this->urlstring).'">'.$issue.'</a>';
                                                $message = substr_replace($message, $issueLink, $issueOffset + $addedOffset, strlen($issue));
                                                $addedOffset += strlen($issueLink) - strlen($issue);
                        } else {
                                // It the property contains two lines, then the first is a pattern for extracting
                                // multiple issue numbers, and the second is a pattern extracting each issue
                                // number from the multiple match.      e.g. [Ii]ssue #?(\d+)(,? ?#?(\d+))+ and (\d+)

                                while (preg_match($regex_all, $message, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
                                        $completeMatch = $matches[0][0];
                                        $completeMatchOffset = $matches[0][1];

                                        $replacement = $completeMatch;

                                        if ($numMatches = preg_match_all('~'.$regex_single.'~', $replacement, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
                                                $addedOffset = 0;
                                                for ($match = 0; $match < $numMatches; $match++) {
                                                        $issue = $matches[$match][1][0];
                                                        $issueOffset = $matches[$match][1][1];

                                                        $issueLink = '<a href="'.str_replace('%BUGID%', $issue, $this->urlstring).'">'.$issue.'</a>';
                                                        $replacement = substr_replace($replacement, $issueLink, $issueOffset + $addedOffset, strlen($issue));
                                                        $addedOffset += strlen($issueLink) - strlen($issue);

                                        $message = substr_replace($message, $replacement, $completeMatchOffset, strlen($completeMatch));

                return $message;

        // }}}


// The BugtraqTestable class is a derived class that is used to test the matching
// abilities of the Bugtraq class.      In particular, it allows for the initialisation of the
// class without the need for a repository.

class BugtraqTestable extends Bugtraq {
        // {{{ __construct()

        function __construct() {
                // This constructor serves to assure that the parent constructor is not
                // called.

        // }}}

        // {{{ setUpVars($message, $url, $regex, $append)

        function setUpVars($message, $url, $regex, $append) {
                $this->msgstring = $message;
                $this->urlstring = $url;
                $this->logregex = $regex;
                $this->append = $append;
                $this->propsfound = true;


        // }}}

        // {{{ setMessage($message)

        function setMessage($message) {
                $this->msgstring = $message;

        // }}}

        // {{{ setUrl($url)

        function setUrl($url) {
                $this->urlstring = $url;

        // }}}

        // {{{ setRegex($regex)

        function setRegEx($regex) {
                $this->logregex = $regex;

        // }}}

        // {{{ setAppend($append)

        function setAppend($append) {
                $this->append = $append;

        // }}}

        // {{{ printVars()

        function printVars() {
                echo 'msgstring = '.$this->msgstring."\n";
                echo 'urlstring = '.$this->urlstring."\n";
                echo 'logregex = '.$this->logregex."\n";
                echo 'append = '.$this->append."\n";

                echo 'firstPart = '.$this->firstPart."\n";
                echo 'firstPartLen = '.$this->firstPartLen."\n";
                echo 'lastPart = '.$this->lastPart."\n";
                echo 'lastPartLen = '.$this->lastPartLen."\n";

        // }}}

// {{{ test_bugtraq()

function test_bugtraq() {
        $tester = new BugtraqTestable;

        $tester->setUpVars('BugID: %BUGID%',
                '[Ii]ssue #?(\d+)',


        $res = $tester->replaceIDs('BugID: 789'."\n".
                'This is a test message that refers to issue #123 and'."\n".
                'issue #456.'."\n".
                'BugID: 789'

        echo nl2br($res).'<p>';

        $res = $tester->replaceIDs('BugID: 789, 101112'."\n".
                'This is a test message that refers to issue #123 and'."\n".
                'issue #456.'."\n".
                'BugID: 789, 101112'

        echo nl2br($res).'<p>';


        $res = $tester->replaceIDs('BugID: 789'."\n".
                'This is a test message that refers to issue #123 and'."\n".
                'issue #456.'."\n".
                'BugID: 789'

        echo nl2br($res).'<p>';

        $res = $tester->replaceIDs('BugID: 789, 101112'."\n".
                'This is a test message that refers to issue #123 and'."\n".
                'issue #456.'."\n".
                'BugID: 789, 101112'

        echo nl2br($res).'<p>';

        $tester->setUpVars('BugID: %BUGID%',

        $res = $tester->replaceIDs('BugID: 789, 101112'."\n".
                'This is a test message that refers to issue #123 and'."\n".
                'issues #456, #654 and #321.'."\n".
                'BugID: 789, 101112'

        echo nl2br($res).'<p>';

        $tester->setUpVars('Test: %BUGID%',
                '\s*[Cc]ases*\s*[IDs]*\s*[#: ]+((\d+[ ,:;#]*)+)\n(\d+)',

        $res = $tester->replaceIDs('Cosmetic change'."\n".
                'CaseIDs: 48'

        echo nl2br($res).'<p>';

// }}}