0,0 → 1,216
WebSVN offers a view onto your subversion repositories that's been designed
to reflect the Subversion methodology. You can view the log of any file or
directory and see a list of all the files changed, added or deleted in any
given revision. You can also view the differences between 2 versions of a
file so as to see exactly what was changed in a particular revision.
WebSVN offers the following features:
* Easy to use interface
* Highly customisable templating system
* Colourisation of file listings
* Blame view
* Log message searching
* Fast browsing thanks to internal caching feature
* Apache MultiViews support
* RSS feed support
Since it's written using PHP, WebSVN is also very portable and easy to install.
Grab the source and stick it somewhere that your server can get to. You
obviously need to have PHP installed and working. Also note that WebSVN
won't currently work in safe mode, due to the need to call svnlook.
You'll also need diff (preferably the GNU version; for Windows users I'd
recommend the Cygwin version) and svnlook available.
Rename distconfig.inc as config.inc (found in the includes directory)and then
edit it as directed in the file itself.
If everything has gone well, you should be able to view your projects by
pointing your browser at the index.php file.
For those of you wishing to customise the look and feel a little, you should
read templates.txt, which explains the highly configurable template system.
Windows users - note that some of the features offered by WebSVN, when
enabled, require the use of various external programs. They can be downloaded
from these locations:
Diff/Sed/Gzip/Tar: http://www.cygwin.com/
Enscript: http://people.ssh.com/mtr/genscript/
WebSVN is designed to worked with accented characters. To do this, it uses
the iconv function. This may not be installed on your system. If you aren't
getting the characters that you expect, make sure that the iconv module is
being loaded in php.ini. Windows users will need to copy the appropriate
DLLs to the system directory (from the PHP installation directory).
In order to return results with a reasonable speed, WebSVN caches the results
of it's requests to svnlook. Under normal usage this works correctly since
it's not generally possible to change a revision with subversion.
That said, one case that may cause confusion is if someone changes the log
message of a given revision. WebSVN will have cached the previous log message
and won't know that there's a new one available. There are various solutions
to this problem:
1) Turn off caching in the config file. This will severely impede the
perfomance of WebSVN.
2) Change the post-revprop-change hook so that is deletes the contents of the
cache after any change to a revision property
3) Only allow the administrator to change revision properties. He can then
delete the cache by hand should this occur.
You can few files with syntax colouring if you have Enscript 1.6 or higher
installed on your system. You'll also need Sed.
Simply set the paths in the config file and then uncomment the line:
You may choose to configure access to your repository via Apache's MultiView
system. This will enable you to access a respositoy using a url such as:
To do this you must:
- Place wsvn.php where you want to. Normally you place it such that it's
accessible straight after the servername, as shown above.
- Configure the parent directory of wsvn.php to use MultiViews (see Apache
- Change config.inc to include the line $config->useMultiViews();
- Change the paths configured at the beginning of the wsvn.php script.
Now go to http://servername/wsvn/ and make sure that you get the index page.
The repname part of the URL is the name given to it in the config.inc file.
For this reason you may wish to avoid putting spaces in the name.
First, you must get the Multiviews option working. In my set up, my Apache
directory root is set to a location on my harddrive:
DocumentRoot "D:/svnpage"
In that directory, I have WebSVN installed in a directory called websvn.
Normally WebSVN would be accessed by http://servername/websvn
wsvn.php in then copied from the WebSVN installation to the document root
directory and the variables at the beginning of the script configured as
follows (based on your own directory locations, obviously):
// Location of websvn directory via HTTP
// e.g. For http://servername/websvn use /websvn
// Note that wsvn.php need not be in the /websvn directory (and normally isn't).
$locwebsvnhttp = "/websvn";
// Physical location of websvn directory
$locwebsvnreal = "d:/svnpage/websvn";
Next, turn on Multiviews in the WebSVN config.inc file:
Finally, Apache needs to know that you want to enable MultiViews for the root
directory. This can be done by including this line in the directory's
.htaccess file (assuming that the appropriate AllowOverrides directive is set
Options MultiViews
If all has gone well, repositories should now by accessible by
Note the index page can be accessed through http://servername/wsvn
If you want to view the index page by http://servername/ you need to
add another directive to the .htaccess file:
DirectoryIndex wsvn.php
You may wish to provide an authentication mechanism for WebSVN. One obvious
solution is to protect the entire WebSVN directory with some form of Apache
authentication mechanism, but that doesn't allow for per repository
WebSVN provides and access rights mechanism that uses your SVN access file to
control read access to the repository. This means that you only have to
maintain one file to define both Subversion and WebSVN access rights.
For this to work, you need to configure your authentication method to the /WebSVN/
(or /wsvn/) directory. This should be the same authentication as you use for
the svn repositories themselves. Here's an example using SSPI:
<Location /WebSVN/>
AuthType SSPI
SSPIAuthoritative On
SSPIOfferBasic On
Require valid-user
Note the use of the / after /WebSVN/ in the location directive. If you use
<Location /WebSVN> then you won't be able to access the index.
You should change /WebSVN/ to /wsvn/ if you're using multiviews.
Also note that you shouldn't use the AuthzSVNAccessFile command to define the
access file.
Now that you've defined your authentication, you'll be asked for your user name
and password in order to access the WebSVN directory. All that's left is to
configure WebSVN to use your Subversion access file to control access. Add this
line to your config.inc file:
Note that if your access file gives read access to, for example, path /a/b/c/ but
not to /a/b/, then the user will be given restricted access to /a/b/ in order to
reach /a/b/c/. The user will not be able to see any other files or directories in
/a or /a/b/.
You should read the Subversion book for information on the access file format.
1) On a Windows machine, this error is reported:
Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute
If you experience this problem, you need to give IUSR_<machinename> execute
permissions on %systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe. Under most systems, the file will
be C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe.
Right-click on the file, choose properties, and on the security tab click
the "Add" button. Add the IUSR_<machinename> user, and then select the
"read" and "read & execute" boxes.
GNU Public licence.