Rev Author Line No. Line
3260 kaklik 1  
3 Info1=Configuration file for Spectrum Lab
4 Info2=Compilation date Oct 22 2010
5 MenuText=DC Receiver 48k
6 InfoText=
9 UseRelativePaths=1
10 LockWindows=0
11 EnableDDE=0
12 DebugFlags=0
13 PrefRxAudioCenterFreq=-1
14 PrefTxAudioCenterFreq=-1
15 FrequencyListFile=frequencies\default.txt
18 SampleRate=48000
19 UseDifferentOutputSR=0
20 NominalOutputSampleRate=11025
21 BitsPerSample=16
22 SampleRateDivisor=1
23 ResampleQuality1=1
24 ExternalAudioOptions=0
27 Options=0
28 RcvFromPort=1024
29 SendToPort=1024
30 RcvFromIp=
31 SendToIp=
34 ConsADCactive=0
35 ConsADCfile=audio.dat
36 CmdToStartADCfile=SndInput.exe /sr=11025 /ch=1 /chunk=512 /minsize=512
37 CmdToStopADCfile=SndInput.exe /quit
38 ProdDACactive=0
39 MaxServerFileSizeKb=0
40 ProdDACfile=
41 CmdToStartDACfile=
42 CmdToStopDACfile=
43 RcvAudioViaCopydata=0
44 SendAudioViaCopydata=0
45 SendCopydataTo=
46 AdcFullScaleInputVoltage=1
47 AdcInputImpedance=600
49 [SDR]
50 NcoFreqHz=10700000
51 Options=0
52 TestToneFreq=0
53 Left=232
54 Top=181
55 Width=334
56 Height=127
57 Visible=0
58 FormStyle=0
60 [SDR_IQ]
61 Enabled=0
62 RadioType=0
63 FilterNr=3
64 RFgain_dB=0
65 IFgain_dB=24
66 RefFrequency=198000
67 FftCompensationFile=
70 BitstreamNr=0
71 RFgain_dB=-10
72 PreselectorNr=11
73 RefFrequency=198000
74 FftCompensationFile=
77 Enabled=0
78 MeasureOnly=0
79 Algorithm=1
80 ConnectTo=1
81 MinRefAmpl=-80
82 RefFrequency=15625
83 RefPeriodicity=0
84 UpdateCycle=10
85 CalibBandwidth=1
86 MaxOffset_ppm=5
87 Averages=200
90 Enabled=0
91 ConnectTo=1
92 MinRefAmpl=-60
93 RefFrequency=2000
94 CalibBandwidth=10
95 MaxFreqOffset=10
96 Averages=200
99 PlayInLoops=0
100 StopAnalyzerOnEOF=1
101 ReconnectBrokenStreams=0
102 PlayUpsampled=1
103 WaveAnalysisSp=2
104 WaveAnalysisScMode=0
105 WaveAnalysisOptions=0
106 WaveAnalysisNumThreads=1
109 Downsampled=0
110 SampleRate=4000
111 BitsPerSample=16
112 AsComplexPairs=0
113 CenterFrequency=0
114 WaveFileFormat=1
115 WaveSaveFileMode=2
116 InfoInHeader=1
117 MaxFileSize=1400
118 Flags=5
119 FileIndex=0
120 TrigRecorderFile=D:\capture\capture_audio\bolid_hradec_kralove_30809_184516.wav
121 TrigRecorderFileMode=0
122 PreTrigSeconds=6
123 PostTrigSeconds=11
125 [SpectrumPlayer]
126 Options=0
127 LoopMode=0
128 Gain_dB=0
129 FinMin=0
130 FinMax=3000
131 FoutMin=0
134 StartSoundThread=1
135 StartSoundInput=1
136 StartSoundOutput=1
137 StartSignalGenerator=0
138 SignalGeneratorUnits=0
139 StartDigitalFilter=1
140 DigitalFilterBypass=0
141 FreeRunningSpeedPcnt=100
142 StereoProcessing=1
143 MinimizeLatency=0
144 ChainBothChannels=0
145 IQInputSwapChannels=0
146 IQInputAdjustEnable=0
147 IQAdjustBalance=0
148 IQAdjustPhase=0
149 PrimaryTimeSource=1
150 ManualAnalysisStartTime=0
153 Active=0
154 DemodSource1=1
155 ComplexInput=0
156 ModulatorDest1=3
157 ModulatorDest2=0
158 DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt
160 [MODES]
161 OperMode=1
162 Modulation=8
163 CodesetNr=5
164 BitEncoding=2
165 UseDecoderNr=0
166 BitSyncAlgo=1
167 DisableFilters=0
168 SpecialFlags=0
169 ScopeMode=3
170 ScopeTrigger=0
171 ScopeUpdateTime=500
172 ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1
173 ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20
174 ScopeHorzOpt=4
175 ScopeVertOpt=0
176 AutoSwitch2Rx=0
177 AutoSwitch2Tx=0
178 HalfDuplex=1
179 FlipMainAnalyser=1
180 BeaconMode=0
183 fc_rx=2200
184 fc_tx=2200
185 f_shift=170
186 fc_stepwidth=1
189 symbol_rate=50
190 rev_keying=0
191 pulse_shaping=1
192 shape_percent=100
193 output_level=100
194 special_options=0
197 use_afc=1
198 narrow_afc=0
199 afc_tune_range=100
200 squelch_thrsh=25
203 AsyncStartBit=1
204 AsyncDataBits=8
205 AsyncParityBit=0
206 AsyncStopBit=1
207 AsyncMsbFirst=0
210 ChrDisplayMode=0
211 LinefeedAfterPause=0
212 UseSlashZero=1
213 PrintDateOrTime=0
214 RejectedMessages=
216 [MODE_DLL]
217 name=DemoDll.dll
218 use_it=0
221 name=MS Sans Serif
222 height=-11
223 style=0
224 cut_top=0
227 Active=0
228 DemodSource1=1
229 ComplexInput=0
230 ModulatorDest1=3
231 ModulatorDest2=0
232 DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt
234 [MODES2]
235 OperMode=1
236 Modulation=8
237 CodesetNr=5
238 BitEncoding=2
239 UseDecoderNr=0
240 BitSyncAlgo=1
241 DisableFilters=0
242 SpecialFlags=0
243 ScopeMode=3
244 ScopeTrigger=0
245 ScopeUpdateTime=500
246 ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1
247 ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20
248 ScopeHorzOpt=4
249 ScopeVertOpt=0
250 AutoSwitch2Rx=0
251 AutoSwitch2Tx=0
252 HalfDuplex=1
253 FlipMainAnalyser=1
254 BeaconMode=0
257 fc_rx=2200
258 fc_tx=2200
259 f_shift=170
260 fc_stepwidth=1
263 symbol_rate=50
264 rev_keying=0
265 pulse_shaping=1
266 shape_percent=100
267 output_level=100
268 special_options=0
271 use_afc=1
272 narrow_afc=0
273 afc_tune_range=100
274 squelch_thrsh=25
277 AsyncStartBit=1
278 AsyncDataBits=8
279 AsyncParityBit=0
280 AsyncStopBit=1
281 AsyncMsbFirst=0
284 ChrDisplayMode=0
285 LinefeedAfterPause=0
286 UseSlashZero=1
287 PrintDateOrTime=0
288 RejectedMessages=
290 [MODE_DLL2]
291 name=DemoDll.dll
292 use_it=0
294 [HELL_FONT2]
295 name=MS Sans Serif
296 height=-11
297 style=0
298 cut_top=0
301 Active=0
302 DemodSource1=1
303 ComplexInput=0
304 ModulatorDest1=3
305 ModulatorDest2=0
306 DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt
308 [MODES3]
309 OperMode=1
310 Modulation=8
311 CodesetNr=5
312 BitEncoding=2
313 UseDecoderNr=0
314 BitSyncAlgo=1
315 DisableFilters=0
316 SpecialFlags=0
317 ScopeMode=3
318 ScopeTrigger=0
319 ScopeUpdateTime=500
320 ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1
321 ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20
322 ScopeHorzOpt=4
323 ScopeVertOpt=0
324 AutoSwitch2Rx=0
325 AutoSwitch2Tx=0
326 HalfDuplex=1
327 FlipMainAnalyser=1
328 BeaconMode=0
331 fc_rx=2200
332 fc_tx=2200
333 f_shift=170
334 fc_stepwidth=1
337 symbol_rate=50
338 rev_keying=0
339 pulse_shaping=1
340 shape_percent=100
341 output_level=100
342 special_options=0
345 use_afc=1
346 narrow_afc=0
347 afc_tune_range=100
348 squelch_thrsh=25
351 AsyncStartBit=1
352 AsyncDataBits=8
353 AsyncParityBit=0
354 AsyncStopBit=1
355 AsyncMsbFirst=0
358 ChrDisplayMode=0
359 LinefeedAfterPause=0
360 UseSlashZero=1
361 PrintDateOrTime=0
362 RejectedMessages=
364 [MODE_DLL3]
365 name=DemoDll.dll
366 use_it=0
368 [HELL_FONT3]
369 name=MS Sans Serif
370 height=-11
371 style=0
372 cut_top=0
375 Active=0
376 DemodSource1=1
377 ComplexInput=0
378 ModulatorDest1=3
379 ModulatorDest2=0
380 DecoderLogfile=Term1.txt
382 [MODES4]
383 OperMode=1
384 Modulation=8
385 CodesetNr=5
386 BitEncoding=2
387 UseDecoderNr=0
388 BitSyncAlgo=1
389 DisableFilters=0
390 SpecialFlags=0
391 ScopeMode=3
392 ScopeTrigger=0
393 ScopeUpdateTime=500
394 ScopeHorzSecPerDiv=0.1
395 ScopeHorzPixelPerDiv=20
396 ScopeHorzOpt=4
397 ScopeVertOpt=0
398 AutoSwitch2Rx=0
399 AutoSwitch2Tx=0
400 HalfDuplex=1
401 FlipMainAnalyser=1
402 BeaconMode=0
405 fc_rx=2200
406 fc_tx=2200
407 f_shift=170
408 fc_stepwidth=1
411 symbol_rate=50
412 rev_keying=0
413 pulse_shaping=1
414 shape_percent=100
415 output_level=100
416 special_options=0
419 use_afc=1
420 narrow_afc=0
421 afc_tune_range=100
422 squelch_thrsh=25
425 AsyncStartBit=1
426 AsyncDataBits=8
427 AsyncParityBit=0
428 AsyncStopBit=1
429 AsyncMsbFirst=0
432 ChrDisplayMode=0
433 LinefeedAfterPause=0
434 UseSlashZero=1
435 PrintDateOrTime=0
436 RejectedMessages=
438 [MODE_DLL4]
439 name=DemoDll.dll
440 use_it=0
442 [HELL_FONT4]
443 name=MS Sans Serif
444 height=-11
445 style=0
446 cut_top=0
448 [PTT_VOX]
449 VoxSource=0
450 RelayLeadTime=50
451 FollowUpTime=500
452 VoxTrigLevel=1024
453 AudioLatencyComp=0
455 [DCF77]
456 Active=0
457 F_center=650
460 MaxSpectrumBufferFftBins=2048
461 PeriodicUpdateOvw=0
464 ConnectSpectrumTo=1
465 ConnectSpectrumTo_Q=2
466 ConnectSpectrumCh2To=0
467 ConnectSpectrumCh2To_Q=0
468 Same4AllChnls=1
469 RateDivisor=1
470 AntiAlias=1
471 ZeroPadInput=0
472 ApplyFOCalib=0
473 TrigOptions=0
474 TriggeredAverages=0
475 NrOfSamples=32768
476 Average=0
477 BinSmoothing=0
478 WindowFunc=2
479 ComplexFFT=2
480 CenterFrequency=0
481 LoSweepRate=0
482 LoSweepMode=0
485 PhysicalUnit=dBfs
486 NeedPhaseInfo=2
487 UserDbOffset=0.0
489 [FFT_INPUT2]
490 ConnectSpectrumTo=2
491 ConnectSpectrumTo_Q=0
492 ConnectSpectrumCh2To=0
493 ConnectSpectrumCh2To_Q=0
494 Same4AllChnls=1
495 RateDivisor=1
496 AntiAlias=1
497 ZeroPadInput=0
498 ApplyFOCalib=0
499 TrigOptions=0
500 TriggeredAverages=0
501 NrOfSamples=8192
502 Average=0
503 BinSmoothing=0
504 WindowFunc=2
505 ComplexFFT=0
506 CenterFrequency=0
507 LoSweepRate=0
508 LoSweepMode=0
511 PhysicalUnit=dB
512 NeedPhaseInfo=0
513 UserDbOffset=0.0
516 ReadCursorMode=1
517 ReadCursorOpts=40
518 PeakDetCursor=1
519 UserCursorExpr1=str("hh:mm:ss.s",cursor.spectrum.time)
520 FreqMin=9451.67823569
521 FreqMax=10866.6811245
522 FreqMin2=600
523 FreqMax2=800
524 FreqOffset=0
525 FreqOffset2=0
526 EditFWithoutOffset=0
527 AmplMin=-130
528 AmplMax=0
529 AmplMin2=-130
530 AmplMax2=0
531 CorrelAmplMin=-1
532 CorrelAmplMax=10
533 SpectrumActive=1
534 SpectrumOrient=0
535 SpecGraphArea=100
536 DrawingOptions=0
537 LongTermAvrgOptions=0
538 OnePixelPerBin1=0
539 OnePixelPerBin2=0
540 LogFreqScale=0
541 WaterStripPixels=100
542 SplitFreqScale=0
543 SplitFreqPercent=50
544 CorrelogramVisible=0
545 CorrelogramWidthPercent=33
546 CorrelatorLagMin=-0.0426666666667
547 CorrelatorLagMax=0.0426666666667
548 CorrelatorAmplMin=-1
549 CorrelatorAmplMax=10
550 AmplitudeBar=0
551 AmplitudeBarOpts=2
552 AmplitudeBarSize=75
553 AmplitudeBarRange=100
554 AmplBarShowChannelsFromWatchWindow=1
555 SpectrumMirror=0
556 ScaleFontName=Courier New
557 ScaleFontSize=8
558 FreqScaleOptions=33
559 FreqScaleFixedSize=0
560 SpectrumStyleNPos=0
561 SpectrumMathOptions=0
562 SpecialDisplayMode=0
563 ReassignmentFlags=0
564 WaterLineWidth=1
565 WaterScrollEnabled=1
566 AutoScrollSpeed=0
567 AutoScrollOverlap=1
568 SmoothScroll=0
569 AmplitudeGrid=1
570 FrequencyGrid=1
571 FreqGridStyle=0
572 TDDisplayOptions=1
573 TDFontName=Arial
574 TDFontSize=9
575 SpectrumBgColor=0
576 SpectrumGridColor=8421504
577 SpectrumPenColor0=65535
578 SpectrumPenColor1=16744319
579 SpectrumPenColor2=65280
580 SpectrumPenColor3=8388608
581 SpectrumPenColor4=255
582 SpectrumPenColor5=4227327
583 SpectrumPenColor6=8388863
584 SpectrumPenColor7=16744703
585 FreqscaleBgColor=16777215
586 FreqscaleFgColor=0
587 StationFreqColor=16776960
588 AmplBarBgColor=16711680
589 WaterBadColor=4144959
590 WaterGridColor=16777215
591 WaterLabelTextColor=16777215
592 WaterLabelBkgndColor=0
593 WaterLabelTransparent=1
594 CursorTextColor=8355839
595 CursorBkgndColor=0
596 WaterFreqGrid=0
597 WaterTimeGrid=1
598 WaterTimeLabel=3
599 TDTimeLabel=1
600 UserTimeLabel=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
601 TimeGridSeconds=15
602 TimeGridSource=
603 TimeGridStyle=2
604 ChnIndividualContrast=0
605 WaterColorPalette=palettes\sunrise.pal
606 VisualAGCMode=0
607 VisualAGCRef=-100
608 ColorPalContrast=111
609 ColorPalBrightness=141
610 ColorPalSaturation=128
611 WaterColorPalette2=palettes\sunrise.pal
612 VisualAGCMode2=0
613 VisualAGCRef2=-100
614 ColorPalContrast2=100
615 ColorPalBrightness2=128
616 ColorPalSaturation2=128
617 WaterColorPalette3=palettes\sunrise.pal
618 VisualAGCMode3=0
619 VisualAGCRef3=-100
620 ColorPalContrast3=100
621 ColorPalBrightness3=128
622 ColorPalSaturation3=128
623 WaterScrollInterval=0.07
624 WaterfallAveraging=1
625 PeakInterval=5
627 [DISPLAY2]
628 ReadCursorMode=1
629 ReadCursorOpts=40
630 PeakDetCursor=1
631 UserCursorExpr1=str("hh:mm:ss.s",cursor.spectrum.time)
632 FreqMin=0
633 FreqMax=5000
634 FreqMin2=600
635 FreqMax2=800
636 FreqOffset=0
637 FreqOffset2=0
638 EditFWithoutOffset=0
639 AmplMin=-120
640 AmplMax=0
641 AmplMin2=-120
642 AmplMax2=0
643 CorrelAmplMin=-1
644 CorrelAmplMax=10
645 SpectrumActive=0
646 SpectrumOrient=0
647 SpecGraphArea=100
648 DrawingOptions=0
649 LongTermAvrgOptions=0
650 OnePixelPerBin1=0
651 OnePixelPerBin2=0
652 LogFreqScale=0
653 WaterStripPixels=100
654 SplitFreqScale=0
655 SplitFreqPercent=50
656 CorrelogramVisible=0
657 CorrelogramWidthPercent=33
658 CorrelatorLagMin=-0.1
659 CorrelatorLagMax=0.1
660 CorrelatorAmplMin=-1
661 CorrelatorAmplMax=10
662 AmplitudeBar=0
663 AmplitudeBarOpts=2
664 AmplitudeBarSize=75
665 AmplitudeBarRange=100
666 AmplBarShowChannelsFromWatchWindow=0
667 SpectrumMirror=0
668 ScaleFontName=Courier New
669 ScaleFontSize=8
670 FreqScaleOptions=1
671 FreqScaleFixedSize=0
672 SpectrumStyleNPos=4
673 SpectrumMathOptions=0
674 SpecialDisplayMode=0
675 ReassignmentFlags=0
676 WaterLineWidth=1
677 WaterScrollEnabled=1
678 AutoScrollSpeed=1
679 AutoScrollOverlap=2
680 SmoothScroll=0
681 AmplitudeGrid=1
682 FrequencyGrid=1
683 FreqGridStyle=1
684 TDDisplayOptions=1
685 TDFontName=Arial
686 TDFontSize=9
687 SpectrumBgColor=0
688 SpectrumGridColor=8421504
689 SpectrumPenColor0=65535
690 SpectrumPenColor1=16744319
691 SpectrumPenColor2=65280
692 SpectrumPenColor3=8388608
693 SpectrumPenColor4=255
694 SpectrumPenColor5=4227327
695 SpectrumPenColor6=8388863
696 SpectrumPenColor7=16744703
697 FreqscaleBgColor=16777215
698 FreqscaleFgColor=0
699 StationFreqColor=16776960
700 AmplBarBgColor=16711680
701 WaterBadColor=4144959
702 WaterGridColor=16777215
703 WaterLabelTextColor=16777215
704 WaterLabelBkgndColor=0
705 WaterLabelTransparent=1
706 CursorTextColor=8355839
707 CursorBkgndColor=0
708 WaterFreqGrid=0
709 WaterTimeGrid=3
710 WaterTimeLabel=3
711 TDTimeLabel=1
712 UserTimeLabel=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
713 TimeGridSeconds=60
714 TimeGridSource=
715 TimeGridStyle=1
716 ChnIndividualContrast=0
717 WaterColorPalette=palettes\sunrise.pal
718 VisualAGCMode=0
719 VisualAGCRef=-100
720 ColorPalContrast=100
721 ColorPalBrightness=128
722 ColorPalSaturation=128
723 WaterColorPalette2=palettes\sunrise.pal
724 VisualAGCMode2=0
725 VisualAGCRef2=-100
726 ColorPalContrast2=100
727 ColorPalBrightness2=128
728 ColorPalSaturation2=128
729 WaterColorPalette3=palettes\sunrise.pal
730 VisualAGCMode3=0
731 VisualAGCRef3=-100
732 ColorPalContrast3=100
733 ColorPalBrightness3=128
734 ColorPalSaturation3=128
735 WaterScrollInterval=0.042
736 WaterfallAveraging=1
737 PeakInterval=5
739 [ColorDF]
740 AntennaSetup=1
741 IntensityScaling=0
742 IntensitySource=2
743 ColourSchemeNr=0
744 RotationalDir=0
745 AngleOffset=90
746 ExtraColourSat=0
747 CalibFile=
748 UseCalib=0
749 NullingCardioid=0
750 NullDirection=154
751 NullDirection2=23
752 NullDirection3=327.100006104
753 Null_H_E_Weight=1
754 NullPowerCorr=0.5
756 [TDScope]
757 Left=142
758 Top=112
759 Width=540
760 Height=419
761 Visible=0
762 FormStyle=0
763 Active=1
764 NrOfChannels=1
765 Mode=0
766 DebugMode=0
767 AutoRanging=0
768 Decimation=1
769 Averages=0
770 UseMovingAverage=1
771 PeakDetect=0
772 Persistance=0
773 HorzScalePercent=800
774 DispBufSamples=0
775 DispZoomedStart=0
776 TriggerMode=0
777 TriggerSlope=0
778 TriggerSource=0
779 TriggerCoupling=0
780 PretriggerPercent=50
781 TriggerLevel=0
782 TriggerSyncTime=0.07499
783 DispPhaseRange=360
784 BkgndColor=0
785 GridColor=13619151
786 LabelColor=13619151
788 [TDScope_Chn0]
789 ShowWhat=4
790 DisplayStyle=2
791 ConnectTo=1
792 RefFrequency=650
793 AmplMin=-32768
794 AmplMax=32767
795 LogScale=0
796 ZeroDecibelValue=32767
797 UseFOCalib=1
798 PenColor=255
799 PhzColor=65280
801 [TDScope_Chn1]
802 ShowWhat=4
803 DisplayStyle=2
804 ConnectTo=2
805 RefFrequency=800
806 AmplMin=-32768
807 AmplMax=32767
808 LogScale=0
809 ZeroDecibelValue=32767
810 UseFOCalib=1
811 PenColor=16744319
812 PhzColor=16711935
813 SameLoForPhaseMeters=0
816 Hidden=0
817 ShowInScreenshot=1
818 Name0=VFO
819 Type0=
820 Color0=255
821 FreqIncludesVFO0=0
822 SetProc0=filter[0].fft.fs=x-filter[0].fft.fc
823 GetFunc0=filter[0].fft.fs+filter[0].fft.fc
824 Name1=Zero Beat
825 Type1=
826 Color1=65280
827 FreqIncludesVFO1=0
828 SetProc1=filter[0].fft.fc=filter[0].fft.fc+filter[0].fft.fs-x : filter[0].fft.fs=x
829 GetFunc1=filter[0].fft.fs
830 Name2=AudioBW
831 Type2=
832 Color2=16711680
833 FreqIncludesVFO2=0
834 SetProc2=filter[0]*(x-filter[0].fft.fs-filter[0].fft.fc)
835 GetFunc2=filter[0].fft.fs+filter[0].fft.fc+0.5*filter[0]
838 FileName=spectrum.ref
839 Color=16744319
840 Visible=0
841 Subtract=0
844 Time_From=0
845 Time_To=86399
846 TimeInterval=60
847 TimerActive=1
848 PeriodicAction=capture ("D:\capture\meteor_"+s0+"_"+str("YYMMDD_hhmmss",now)+".jpg")
849 PeriodicAction2=
850 PeriodicAction3=
851 PeriodicAction4=
852 PeriodicAction5=
853 PeriodicAction6=
854 PeriodicAction7=
855 PeriodicAction8=
856 PeriodicAction9=
857 PeriodicAction10=
858 PeriodicAction11=
859 PeriodicAction12=
860 PeriodicAction13=
861 PeriodicAction14=
862 PeriodicAction15=
863 PeriodicAction16=
864 PeriodicAction17=
865 PeriodicAction18=
866 PeriodicAction19=
867 PeriodicAction20=
868 ScheduleActive=0
869 Options=2
870 InfoOvl=1
871 InfoPos=3
872 InfoStk=1
873 InfoDef0=$"Date="+str("YYYY-MM-DD",now)+" Time="+str("hh:mm",now)+" UTC"
874 InfoDef1=$"Freq=143.050000 MHz"
875 InfoDef2=$"Echo=143.0405 MHz"
876 InfoDef3=s0
877 InfoDef4=
878 InfoDef5=
879 InfoDef6=
880 InfoDef7=
881 InfoDef8=
882 InfoDef9=
883 SequenceNr=16823
884 SequenceName=c:\capture
885 UseJpegFormat=1
886 JpegQuality=90
887 Macro0=
888 Macro1=
889 Macro2=
890 Macro3=
891 Macro4=
892 Macro5=
893 Macro6=
894 Macro7=
895 Macro8=
896 Macro9=
897 Macro10=
898 Macro11=
899 Macro12=
900 Macro13=
901 Macro14=
902 Macro15=
903 Macro16=
904 Macro17=
905 Macro18=
906 Macro19=
907 Macro20=
908 Macro21=
909 Macro22=
910 Macro23=
911 Macro24=
912 Macro25=
913 Macro26=
914 Macro27=
915 Macro28=
916 Macro29=
917 Macro30=
918 Macro31=
919 Macro32=
920 Macro33=
921 Macro34=
922 Macro35=
923 Macro36=
924 Macro37=
925 Macro38=
926 Macro39=
929 NumEvents=12
932 Time=79200
933 ActionCmd=capture
936 Time=0
937 ActionCmd=capture
940 Time=14400
941 ActionCmd=capture
944 Time=21600
945 ActionCmd=capture
948 Time=-1
949 ActionCmd=
952 Time=-1
953 ActionCmd=
956 Time=-1
957 ActionCmd=
960 Time=-1
961 ActionCmd=
964 Time=-1
965 ActionCmd=
968 Time=-1
969 ActionCmd=
971 [SCHEDULE10]
972 Time=-1
973 ActionCmd=
975 [SCHEDULE11]
976 Time=-1
977 ActionCmd=
980 Active=1
981 EvalIntv=50
982 IF0=initialising
983 THEN0=s0="hradec_kralove":s1="D:\\capture\\":s2="D:\\capture\\capture_audio\\":s3="D:\\capture\\RMOB\\":C=0:E=0:rec.trigger=0:I=0:t2=0:H=0:m1=999
984 IF1=always
985 THEN1=n=noise(9000,9600):f=peak_f(9700,10300):a=avrg(f-100,f+100):m=round(n-a+10):t1=str("YYYYMMDD",now):L=str("hh",now):h1=str("mmss",now):REM Periodical actions
986 IF2=a>(n+8)
987 THEN2=C=C+1:timer0.restart(1.6):H=H+1:REM Detection was done
988 IF3=timer0.expired(1)
989 THEN3=I=1:REM End of meteor
990 IF4=val(h1,"####")=5930
991 THEN4=t2=t2+1
992 IF5=t2=1
993 THEN5=fopen4(s3+"RMOB-"+str("YYYYMM",now)+".dat",a):fp4(t1,",",L,",",E):fclose4:sp.print("Last hour=",E):C=0:E=0:REM End of hour
994 IF6=val(h1,"####")=5940
995 THEN6=t2=0
996 IF7=m<m1
997 THEN7=m1=m
998 IF8=H=1
999 THEN8=H=2:n1=round(n):f1=f:sp.print(" t+"+str("ss",time)):REM Print time of begin
1000 IF9=C=50
1001 THEN9=rec.filename=s2+"bolid_"+s0+"_"+str("YMMDD_hhmmss",now)+".wav":rec.trigger=1:REM Record audio if duration is 2,5s
1002 IF10=I=1
1003 THEN10=I=2:E=E+1:fopen1(s3+"meteors_"+s0+".dat",a):fp1(t1,L,h1,E,n1,f1,m1,C):fclose1:REM Record meteor as text
1004 IF11=I=2
1005 THEN11=I=0:H=0:C=0:sp.print(" "+str(E)+" nb"+str(n1)+" f"+str(f1)+" mag"+str(m1)):m1=999:rec.trigger=0:REM Print end of meteor
1006 IF12=
1007 THEN12=
1008 IF13=
1009 THEN13=
1010 IF14=
1011 THEN14=
1012 IF15=
1013 THEN15=
1014 IF16=
1015 THEN16=
1016 IF17=
1017 THEN17=
1018 IF18=
1019 THEN18=
1020 IF19=
1021 THEN19=
1022 IF20=
1023 THEN20=
1024 IF21=
1025 THEN21=
1026 IF22=
1027 THEN22=
1028 IF23=
1029 THEN23=
1030 IF24=
1031 THEN24=
1032 IF25=
1033 THEN25=
1034 IF26=
1035 THEN26=
1036 IF27=
1037 THEN27=
1038 IF28=
1039 THEN28=
1040 IF29=
1041 THEN29=
1042 IF30=
1043 THEN30=
1044 IF31=
1045 THEN31=
1046 IF32=
1047 THEN32=
1048 IF33=
1049 THEN33=
1050 IF34=
1051 THEN34=
1052 IF35=
1053 THEN35=
1054 IF36=
1055 THEN36=
1056 IF37=
1057 THEN37=
1058 IF38=
1059 THEN38=
1060 IF39=
1061 THEN39=
1062 IF40=
1063 THEN40=
1064 IF41=
1065 THEN41=
1066 IF42=
1067 THEN42=
1068 IF43=
1069 THEN43=
1070 IF44=
1071 THEN44=
1072 IF45=
1073 THEN45=
1074 IF46=
1075 THEN46=
1076 IF47=
1077 THEN47=
1078 IF48=
1079 THEN48=
1080 IF49=
1081 THEN49=
1082 IF50=
1083 THEN50=
1084 IF51=
1085 THEN51=
1086 IF52=
1087 THEN52=
1088 IF53=
1089 THEN53=
1090 IF54=
1091 THEN54=
1092 IF55=
1093 THEN55=
1094 IF56=
1095 THEN56=
1096 IF57=
1097 THEN57=
1098 IF58=
1099 THEN58=
1100 IF59=
1101 THEN59=
1102 IF60=
1103 THEN60=
1104 IF61=
1105 THEN61=
1106 IF62=
1107 THEN62=
1108 IF63=
1109 THEN63=
1110 IF64=
1111 THEN64=
1112 IF65=
1113 THEN65=
1114 IF66=
1115 THEN66=
1116 IF67=
1117 THEN67=
1118 IF68=
1119 THEN68=
1120 IF69=
1121 THEN69=
1122 IF70=
1123 THEN70=
1124 IF71=
1125 THEN71=
1126 IF72=
1127 THEN72=
1128 IF73=
1129 THEN73=
1130 IF74=
1131 THEN74=
1132 IF75=
1133 THEN75=
1134 IF76=
1135 THEN76=
1136 IF77=
1137 THEN77=
1138 IF78=
1139 THEN78=
1140 IF79=
1141 THEN79=
1142 IF80=
1143 THEN80=
1144 IF81=
1145 THEN81=
1146 IF82=
1147 THEN82=
1148 IF83=
1149 THEN83=
1150 IF84=
1151 THEN84=
1152 IF85=
1153 THEN85=
1154 IF86=
1155 THEN86=
1156 IF87=
1157 THEN87=
1158 IF88=
1159 THEN88=
1160 IF89=
1161 THEN89=
1162 IF90=
1163 THEN90=
1164 IF91=
1165 THEN91=
1166 IF92=
1167 THEN92=
1168 IF93=
1169 THEN93=
1170 IF94=
1171 THEN94=
1172 IF95=
1173 THEN95=
1174 IF96=
1175 THEN96=
1176 IF97=
1177 THEN97=
1178 IF98=
1179 THEN98=
1180 IF99=
1181 THEN99=
1182 WatchExpression=
1184 [CIRCUIT]
1185 ConnectGeneratorToInput=3
1186 ConnectGeneratorToOutput=0
1187 TrigMode=0
1188 TrigSource=0
1189 TrigPolarity=1
1190 TrigLevel=0
1191 TrigHysteresis=20
1192 PretriggerTime=0
1193 TrigTimerIntvl=1
1194 MixerHilbertLength=37
1195 FreqCvtSameLO=0
1196 FreqCvtQuadLO=0
1197 ConnectSlider1=5
1198 Gain0=51.2861383991
1199 Gain1=211.348903984
1200 Gain2=1
1201 Gain3=1
1202 Gain4=1
1203 Gain5=1
1204 Gain6=0.07
1205 Gain7=0
1206 FreqMixerEnabled=0
1207 MixerDcReject=0
1208 MixerFrequency=700
1209 MixerSideband=0
1211 [CIRCUIT2]
1212 FreqMixerEnabled=0
1213 MixerDcReject=0
1214 MixerFrequency=0
1215 MixerSideband=0
1217 [FILTER]
1218 DisplayOptions=3
1220 [FILTER0]
1221 CoeffFile=
1222 IIR2DesignFile=
1223 FIR2DesignFile=
1224 FilterFftSize=16384
1225 FftSame4All=1
1226 FftShowInGraph=1
1227 FftANotchFreqRangeStart=0
1228 FftANotchFreqRangeEnd=0
1229 FftANotchSpeed=0.05
1230 FftANotchWidth=5
1231 FftANRegionWidth=20
1232 FftANotchTransitionWidth=0
1233 FftANotchThrsh=4
1234 FftANotchBurstReject=3
1235 FftDenoiserLvl=-80
1236 ChirpRate=0
1237 DecimateOutputSRateBy=1
1238 GraphMinLevel=-130
1239 GraphMaxLevel=0
1240 FftFilterType=3
1241 FftFilterOptions=256
1242 FftFilterFC=398.866608547
1243 FftFilterBW=551.815679401
1244 FftFilterSW=20
1245 FftFreqShift=9679.50863459
1246 FftInvertFrom=0
1247 FftInvertTo=0
1248 FftFilterResponse=
1249 FftFilterPlugin=
1250 When2CallPlugin=0
1251 PluginWinX=0
1252 PluginWinY=0
1253 PluginWinWidth=128
1254 PluginWinHeight=128
1255 SpecialRangeF10=0
1256 SpecialRangeF20=0
1257 SpecialRangeP0_01=0
1258 SpecialRangeP1_01=0
1259 SpecialRangeP2_01=0
1260 SpecialRangeP3_01=0
1261 SpecialRangeType0=0
1262 SpecialRangeF11=0
1263 SpecialRangeF21=0
1264 SpecialRangeP0_11=0
1265 SpecialRangeP1_11=0
1266 SpecialRangeP2_11=0
1267 SpecialRangeP3_11=0
1268 SpecialRangeType1=0
1269 SpecialRangeF12=0
1270 SpecialRangeF22=0
1271 SpecialRangeP0_21=0
1272 SpecialRangeP1_21=0
1273 SpecialRangeP2_21=0
1274 SpecialRangeP3_21=0
1275 SpecialRangeType2=0
1276 SpecialRangeF13=0
1277 SpecialRangeF23=0
1278 SpecialRangeP0_31=0
1279 SpecialRangeP1_31=0
1280 SpecialRangeP2_31=0
1281 SpecialRangeP3_31=0
1282 SpecialRangeType3=0
1283 SpecialRangeF14=0
1284 SpecialRangeF24=0
1285 SpecialRangeP0_41=0
1286 SpecialRangeP1_41=0
1287 SpecialRangeP2_41=0
1288 SpecialRangeP3_41=0
1289 SpecialRangeType4=0
1290 SpecialRangeF15=0
1291 SpecialRangeF25=0
1292 SpecialRangeP0_51=0
1293 SpecialRangeP1_51=0
1294 SpecialRangeP2_51=0
1295 SpecialRangeP3_51=0
1296 SpecialRangeType5=0
1297 SpecialRangeF16=0
1298 SpecialRangeF26=0
1299 SpecialRangeP0_61=0
1300 SpecialRangeP1_61=0
1301 SpecialRangeP2_61=0
1302 SpecialRangeP3_61=0
1303 SpecialRangeType6=0
1304 SpecialRangeF17=0
1305 SpecialRangeF27=0
1306 SpecialRangeP0_71=0
1307 SpecialRangeP1_71=0
1308 SpecialRangeP2_71=0
1309 SpecialRangeP3_71=0
1310 SpecialRangeType7=0
1312 [FILTER1]
1313 CoeffFile=
1314 IIR2DesignFile=
1315 FIR2DesignFile=
1316 FilterFftSize=16384
1317 FftSame4All=1
1318 FftShowInGraph=1
1319 FftANotchFreqRangeStart=0
1320 FftANotchFreqRangeEnd=0
1321 FftANotchSpeed=0.05
1322 FftANotchWidth=5
1323 FftANRegionWidth=20
1324 FftANotchTransitionWidth=0
1325 FftANotchThrsh=4
1326 FftANotchBurstReject=3
1327 FftDenoiserLvl=-80
1328 ChirpRate=0
1329 DecimateOutputSRateBy=1
1330 GraphMinLevel=-130
1331 GraphMaxLevel=0
1332 FftFilterType=3
1333 FftFilterOptions=256
1334 FftFilterFC=398.866608547
1335 FftFilterBW=551.815679401
1336 FftFilterSW=20
1337 FftFreqShift=9679.50863459
1338 FftInvertFrom=0
1339 FftInvertTo=0
1340 FftFilterResponse=
1341 FftFilterPlugin=
1342 When2CallPlugin=0
1343 PluginWinX=0
1344 PluginWinY=0
1345 PluginWinWidth=128
1346 PluginWinHeight=128
1347 SpecialRangeF10=0
1348 SpecialRangeF20=0
1349 SpecialRangeP0_01=0
1350 SpecialRangeP1_01=0
1351 SpecialRangeP2_01=0
1352 SpecialRangeP3_01=0
1353 SpecialRangeType0=0
1354 SpecialRangeF11=0
1355 SpecialRangeF21=0
1356 SpecialRangeP0_11=0
1357 SpecialRangeP1_11=0
1358 SpecialRangeP2_11=0
1359 SpecialRangeP3_11=0
1360 SpecialRangeType1=0
1361 SpecialRangeF12=0
1362 SpecialRangeF22=0
1363 SpecialRangeP0_21=0
1364 SpecialRangeP1_21=0
1365 SpecialRangeP2_21=0
1366 SpecialRangeP3_21=0
1367 SpecialRangeType2=0
1368 SpecialRangeF13=0
1369 SpecialRangeF23=0
1370 SpecialRangeP0_31=0
1371 SpecialRangeP1_31=0
1372 SpecialRangeP2_31=0
1373 SpecialRangeP3_31=0
1374 SpecialRangeType3=0
1375 SpecialRangeF14=0
1376 SpecialRangeF24=0
1377 SpecialRangeP0_41=0
1378 SpecialRangeP1_41=0
1379 SpecialRangeP2_41=0
1380 SpecialRangeP3_41=0
1381 SpecialRangeType4=0
1382 SpecialRangeF15=0
1383 SpecialRangeF25=0
1384 SpecialRangeP0_51=0
1385 SpecialRangeP1_51=0
1386 SpecialRangeP2_51=0
1387 SpecialRangeP3_51=0
1388 SpecialRangeType5=0
1389 SpecialRangeF16=0
1390 SpecialRangeF26=0
1391 SpecialRangeP0_61=0
1392 SpecialRangeP1_61=0
1393 SpecialRangeP2_61=0
1394 SpecialRangeP3_61=0
1395 SpecialRangeType6=0
1396 SpecialRangeF17=0
1397 SpecialRangeF27=0
1398 SpecialRangeP0_71=0
1399 SpecialRangeP1_71=0
1400 SpecialRangeP2_71=0
1401 SpecialRangeP3_71=0
1402 SpecialRangeType7=0
1405 UseSineTable=0
1406 NoiseLevel=-50
1407 NoiseOn=0
1408 AmModFreq=1
1409 AmModFactor=1
1410 AmModCarrier=1
1411 AmModWave=0
1412 AmDutyCyclePcnt=50
1413 FmModWave=0
1414 FmModFreq=100
1415 FmModDeviation=240.5
1416 FmDutyCyclePcnt=50
1417 ArbitraryWaveformFile=
1418 ArbitraryWaveformFormula=sin(2*pi*x)
1419 LoadAWFromFile=0
1420 Enabled0=1
1421 AmMod0=0
1422 FmMod0=0
1423 Wave0=0
1424 SinFreq0=900
1425 SinAmpl0=0.1
1426 Enabled1=1
1427 AmMod1=0
1428 FmMod1=0
1429 Wave1=0
1430 SinFreq1=1000
1431 SinAmpl1=0.1
1432 Enabled2=1
1433 AmMod2=0
1434 FmMod2=0
1435 Wave2=0
1436 SinFreq2=1100
1437 SinAmpl2=0.1
1440 CompType=0
1441 BandpassFC=1400
1442 BandpassBW=1400
1443 BandpassRespType=0
1444 DelaySeconds=0.5
1445 AdderGain=0
1446 InputGain=1
1447 FeedbackGain=0.9
1448 BypassGain=0
1449 SignalSource=0
1450 DeModType=0
1451 DeModOptions=0
1452 DeModFC=2500
1453 DeModBW=1000
1454 DeModFact=1
1455 DeModCarr=1
1456 DeemphTimeConst=5e-05
1457 ChirpRate=0
1458 ChirpStartFreq=0
1459 ChirpLength=0
1460 ChirpFilterOpt=0
1461 Limiter_dB_above_FS=-6
1462 Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10
1463 NbRampTime=0.002
1464 NbTrigLevel=10
1465 NbMaxPulseW=0.01
1466 EVE_NB_T_pretrigger=0.0005
1467 EVE_NB_T_posttrigger=0.0005
1468 EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500
1469 HumFiltFC=50
1470 HumFiltEndStop=0.5
1471 HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5
1472 HumFiltSlewRate=0.01
1473 HumFiltStages=4
1474 HumFiltTrackAlgo=11
1475 HumFiltFlags=0
1476 HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2)
1477 AGCMode=0
1478 AGCFlags=0
1479 AGCTargetLevel=-3
1480 AGCMinGain=-20
1481 AGCMaxGain=80
1482 AGCCustomAttack=1
1483 AGCCustomDecay=0.1
1486 CompType=0
1487 BandpassFC=1400
1488 BandpassBW=1400
1489 BandpassRespType=0
1490 DelaySeconds=0.5
1491 AdderGain=0
1492 InputGain=1
1493 FeedbackGain=0.9
1494 BypassGain=0
1495 SignalSource=0
1496 DeModType=0
1497 DeModOptions=0
1498 DeModFC=2500
1499 DeModBW=1000
1500 DeModFact=1
1501 DeModCarr=1
1502 DeemphTimeConst=5e-05
1503 ChirpRate=0
1504 ChirpStartFreq=0
1505 ChirpLength=0
1506 ChirpFilterOpt=0
1507 Limiter_dB_above_FS=-6
1508 Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10
1509 NbRampTime=0.002
1510 NbTrigLevel=10
1511 NbMaxPulseW=0.01
1512 EVE_NB_T_pretrigger=0.0005
1513 EVE_NB_T_posttrigger=0.0005
1514 EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500
1515 HumFiltFC=50
1516 HumFiltEndStop=0.5
1517 HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5
1518 HumFiltSlewRate=0.01
1519 HumFiltStages=4
1520 HumFiltTrackAlgo=11
1521 HumFiltFlags=0
1522 HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2)
1523 AGCMode=0
1524 AGCFlags=0
1525 AGCTargetLevel=-3
1526 AGCMinGain=-20
1527 AGCMaxGain=80
1528 AGCCustomAttack=1
1529 AGCCustomDecay=0.1
1532 CompType=132
1533 BandpassFC=1400
1534 BandpassBW=1400
1535 BandpassRespType=0
1536 DelaySeconds=1
1537 AdderGain=0
1538 InputGain=1
1539 FeedbackGain=0
1540 BypassGain=1
1541 SignalSource=0
1542 DeModType=0
1543 DeModOptions=0
1544 DeModFC=0
1545 DeModBW=0
1546 DeModFact=1
1547 DeModCarr=1
1548 DeemphTimeConst=5e-05
1549 ChirpRate=2000
1550 ChirpStartFreq=500
1551 ChirpLength=1
1552 ChirpFilterOpt=0
1553 Limiter_dB_above_FS=6
1554 Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10
1555 NbRampTime=0.01
1556 NbTrigLevel=20
1557 NbMaxPulseW=0.01
1558 EVE_NB_T_pretrigger=0.0005
1559 EVE_NB_T_posttrigger=0.0005
1560 EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500
1561 HumFiltFC=50
1562 HumFiltEndStop=0.5
1563 HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5
1564 HumFiltSlewRate=0.01
1565 HumFiltStages=4
1566 HumFiltTrackAlgo=12
1567 HumFiltFlags=0
1568 HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2)
1569 AGCMode=0
1570 AGCFlags=1
1571 AGCTargetLevel=-3
1572 AGCMinGain=-20
1573 AGCMaxGain=70
1574 AGCCustomAttack=0.1
1575 AGCCustomDecay=0.1
1578 CompType=0
1579 BandpassFC=1400
1580 BandpassBW=1400
1581 BandpassRespType=0
1582 DelaySeconds=0.5
1583 AdderGain=0
1584 InputGain=1
1585 FeedbackGain=0.9
1586 BypassGain=0
1587 SignalSource=0
1588 DeModType=0
1589 DeModOptions=0
1590 DeModFC=2500
1591 DeModBW=1000
1592 DeModFact=1
1593 DeModCarr=1
1594 DeemphTimeConst=5e-05
1595 ChirpRate=0
1596 ChirpStartFreq=0
1597 ChirpLength=0
1598 ChirpFilterOpt=0
1599 Limiter_dB_above_FS=-6
1600 Limiter_dB_above_AVRG=10
1601 NbRampTime=0.002
1602 NbTrigLevel=10
1603 NbMaxPulseW=0.01
1604 EVE_NB_T_pretrigger=0.0005
1605 EVE_NB_T_posttrigger=0.0005
1606 EVE_NB_TrigLevel=1500
1607 HumFiltFC=50
1608 HumFiltEndStop=0.5
1609 HumFiltTrkCycle=0.5
1610 HumFiltSlewRate=0.01
1611 HumFiltStages=4
1612 HumFiltTrackAlgo=11
1613 HumFiltFlags=0
1614 HumFreqExpr=peak_f(#1,49.8,50.2)
1615 AGCMode=0
1616 AGCFlags=0
1617 AGCTargetLevel=-3
1618 AGCMinGain=-20
1619 AGCMaxGain=80
1620 AGCCustomAttack=1
1621 AGCCustomDecay=0.1
1624 PosEmitInterval=60
1625 Options=32
1626 ExportColumnSeparator=32
1629 MsgDisplay=63
1630 CommandFileName=command_files\testcmd.txt
1632 [EXPORT]
1633 NextWriteTime=0
1634 FftExportOptions=0
1635 FftExportFormat=0
1636 FftExportHeaders=0
1637 FftExportSeparator=9
1638 FftExportMaxNrBins=1024
1639 FftExportMaxFileSize=0
1640 FftExportStartFreqHz=0
1641 FftExportFileName=FftLog1.txt
1642 FftExportTimeFormat=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s
1645 NrOfColumns=4
1646 Active=0
1647 SeparatorChr=9
1648 FileName=exported.txt
1649 FileName2=
1650 Title0=Time
1651 Exprs0=time
1652 Format0=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
1653 Flags0=0
1654 Title1=Noise
1655 Exprs1=noise_n(500,2500)
1656 Format1=##0.0#
1657 Flags1=0
1658 Title2=PeakAmpl
1659 Exprs2=peak_a(500,2500)
1660 Format2=##0.0#
1661 Flags2=0
1662 Title3=PeakFreq
1663 Exprs3=peak_f(500,2500)
1664 Format3=###0.0#
1665 Flags3=0
1668 CmdAfterSpectrum=
1669 CmdBeforeWrite=
1670 CmdAfterWrite=
1671 UsePreciseInterval=1
1672 WriteIntervalSec=1
1673 PwrFailSafe=0
1676 Exprs0=$"Capture now"
1677 Commands0=capture("capt"+str("YYMMDDhhmm",now)+".jpg")
1678 Options0=2
1679 Hotkey0=0
1680 Exprs1=$"Time: "+str("hh:mm:ss.s",now)
1681 Commands1=
1682 Options1=2
1683 Hotkey1=0
1684 Exprs2=$"peak at "+str("###0.00 Hz",peak_f(200,2500))
1685 Commands2=
1686 Options2=2
1687 Hotkey2=0
1688 Exprs3=$"Pause"
1689 Commands3=sp.pause=1 // spectrum analyser pause
1690 Options3=2
1691 Hotkey3=0
1692 Exprs4=$"Continue"
1693 Commands4=sp.pause=0 // spectrum analyser resume
1694 Options4=2
1695 Hotkey4=0
1696 Exprs5=$"Button #6"
1697 Commands5=
1698 Options5=2
1699 Hotkey5=0
1700 Exprs6=$"Button #7"
1701 Commands6=
1702 Options6=2
1703 Hotkey6=0
1704 Exprs7=$"Button #8"
1705 Commands7=
1706 Options7=2
1707 Hotkey7=0
1710 Exprs0=
1711 Commands0=
1712 Options0=0
1713 Hotkey0=0
1714 Exprs1=
1715 Commands1=
1716 Options1=0
1717 Hotkey1=0
1718 Exprs2=
1719 Commands2=
1720 Options2=0
1721 Hotkey2=0
1722 Exprs3=
1723 Commands3=
1724 Options3=0
1725 Hotkey3=0
1726 Exprs4=
1727 Commands4=
1728 Options4=0
1729 Hotkey4=0
1730 Exprs5=
1731 Commands5=
1732 Options5=0
1733 Hotkey5=0
1735 [WatchWindow]
1736 Left=124
1737 Top=108
1738 Width=510
1739 Height=392
1740 Visible=0
1741 FormStyle=0
1743 [WatchListAndPlotter]
1744 Flags=0
1745 TextExportFlags=0
1747 [WatchList]
1748 Title1=Noise
1749 Expr1=noise_n(500,1000)
1750 Form1=##0.0
1751 MinV1=-100
1752 MaxV1=0
1753 Title2=Peak1_Ampl
1754 Expr2=peak_a(500,1000)
1755 Form2=##0.0
1756 MinV2=-100
1757 MaxV2=0
1758 Title3=Peak1_Freq
1759 Expr3=peak_f(500,1000)
1760 Form3=###0.0
1761 MinV3=200
1762 MaxV3=2700
1763 Title4=Peak2_Ampl
1764 Expr4=peak_a(1000,1500)
1765 Form4=##0.0
1766 MinV4=-100
1767 MaxV4=0
1768 Title5=Peak2_Freq
1769 Expr5=peak_f(1000,1500)
1770 Form5=###0.0
1771 MinV5=200
1772 MaxV5=2700
1773 Title6=Peak3_Ampl
1774 Expr6=peak_a(1500,2000)
1775 Form6=##0.0
1776 MinV6=-100
1777 MaxV6=0
1778 Title7=Peak2_Freq
1779 Expr7=peak_f(1500,2000)
1780 Form7=###0.0##
1781 MinV7=200
1782 MaxV7=2700
1783 Title8=
1784 Expr8=
1785 Form8=
1786 MinV8=
1787 MaxV8=
1788 Title9=
1789 Expr9=
1790 Form9=
1791 MinV9=
1792 MaxV9=
1793 Title10=
1794 Expr10=
1795 Form10=
1796 MinV10=
1797 MaxV10=
1798 Title11=
1799 Expr11=
1800 Form11=
1801 MinV11=
1802 MaxV11=
1803 Title12=
1804 Expr12=
1805 Form12=
1806 MinV12=
1807 MaxV12=
1808 Title13=
1809 Expr13=
1810 Form13=
1811 MinV13=
1812 MaxV13=
1813 Title14=
1814 Expr14=
1815 Form14=
1816 MinV14=
1817 MaxV14=
1818 Title15=
1819 Expr15=
1820 Form15=
1821 MinV15=
1822 MaxV15=
1823 Title16=
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1825 Form16=
1826 MinV16=
1827 MaxV16=
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1856 MinV22=
1857 MaxV22=
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1859 Expr23=
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1861 MinV23=
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1863 Title24=
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1867 MaxV24=
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1882 MaxV27=
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1884 Expr28=
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1886 MinV28=
1887 MaxV28=
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1889 Expr29=
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1897 MaxV30=
1898 Title31=
1899 Expr31=
1900 Form31=
1901 MinV31=
1902 MaxV31=
1903 Title32=
1904 Expr32=
1905 Form32=
1906 MinV32=
1907 MaxV32=
1908 Title33=
1909 Expr33=
1910 Form33=
1911 MinV33=
1912 MaxV33=
1913 Title34=
1914 Expr34=
1915 Form34=
1916 MinV34=
1917 MaxV34=
1918 Title35=
1919 Expr35=
1920 Form35=
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1922 MaxV35=
1923 Title36=
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1926 MinV36=
1927 MaxV36=
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1930 Form37=
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1932 MaxV37=
1933 Title38=
1934 Expr38=
1935 Form38=
1936 MinV38=
1937 MaxV38=
1938 Title39=
1939 Expr39=
1940 Form39=
1941 MinV39=
1942 MaxV39=
1943 Title40=
1944 Expr40=
1945 Form40=
1946 MinV40=
1947 MaxV40=
1948 Title41=
1949 Expr41=
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1952 MaxV41=
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1954 Expr42=
1955 Form42=
1956 MinV42=
1957 MaxV42=
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1959 Expr43=
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1961 MinV43=
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1964 Expr44=
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1966 MinV44=
1967 MaxV44=
1968 Title45=
1969 Expr45=
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1971 MinV45=
1972 MaxV45=
1973 Title46=
1974 Expr46=
1975 Form46=
1976 MinV46=
1977 MaxV46=
1978 Title47=
1979 Expr47=
1980 Form47=
1981 MinV47=
1982 MaxV47=
1983 Title48=
1984 Expr48=
1985 Form48=
1986 MinV48=
1987 MaxV48=
1988 Title49=
1989 Expr49=
1990 Form49=
1991 MinV49=
1992 MaxV49=
1993 Title50=
1994 Expr50=
1995 Form50=
1996 MinV50=
1997 MaxV50=
1998 Title51=
1999 Expr51=
2000 Form51=
2001 MinV51=
2002 MaxV51=
2003 Title52=
2004 Expr52=
2005 Form52=
2006 MinV52=
2007 MaxV52=
2008 Title53=
2009 Expr53=
2010 Form53=
2011 MinV53=
2012 MaxV53=
2013 Title54=
2014 Expr54=
2015 Form54=
2016 MinV54=
2017 MaxV54=
2018 Title55=
2019 Expr55=
2020 Form55=
2021 MinV55=
2022 MaxV55=
2023 Title56=
2024 Expr56=
2025 Form56=
2026 MinV56=
2027 MaxV56=
2028 Title57=
2029 Expr57=
2030 Form57=
2031 MinV57=
2032 MaxV57=
2033 Title58=
2034 Expr58=
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2037 MaxV58=
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2039 Expr59=
2040 Form59=
2041 MinV59=
2042 MaxV59=
2043 Title60=
2044 Expr60=
2045 Form60=
2046 MinV60=
2047 MaxV60=
2048 Title61=
2049 Expr61=
2050 Form61=
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2052 MaxV61=
2053 Title62=
2054 Expr62=
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2057 MaxV62=
2058 Title63=
2059 Expr63=
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2061 MinV63=
2062 MaxV63=
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2064 Expr64=
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2067 MaxV64=
2068 Title65=
2069 Expr65=
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2072 MaxV65=
2073 Title66=
2074 Expr66=
2075 Form66=
2076 MinV66=
2077 MaxV66=
2078 Title67=
2079 Expr67=
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2081 MinV67=
2082 MaxV67=
2083 Title68=
2084 Expr68=
2085 Form68=
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2087 MaxV68=
2088 Title69=
2089 Expr69=
2090 Form69=
2091 MinV69=
2092 MaxV69=
2093 Title70=
2094 Expr70=
2095 Form70=
2096 MinV70=
2097 MaxV70=
2098 Title71=
2099 Expr71=
2100 Form71=
2101 MinV71=
2102 MaxV71=
2103 Title72=
2104 Expr72=
2105 Form72=
2106 MinV72=
2107 MaxV72=
2108 Title73=
2109 Expr73=
2110 Form73=
2111 MinV73=
2112 MaxV73=
2113 Title74=
2114 Expr74=
2115 Form74=
2116 MinV74=
2117 MaxV74=
2118 Title75=
2119 Expr75=
2120 Form75=
2121 MinV75=
2122 MaxV75=
2123 Title76=
2124 Expr76=
2125 Form76=
2126 MinV76=
2127 MaxV76=
2128 Title77=
2129 Expr77=
2130 Form77=
2131 MinV77=
2132 MaxV77=
2133 Title78=
2134 Expr78=
2135 Form78=
2136 MinV78=
2137 MaxV78=
2138 Title79=
2139 Expr79=
2140 Form79=
2141 MinV79=
2142 MaxV79=
2143 Title80=
2144 Expr80=
2145 Form80=
2146 MinV80=
2147 MaxV80=
2148 Title81=
2149 Expr81=
2150 Form81=
2151 MinV81=
2152 MaxV81=
2153 Title82=
2154 Expr82=
2155 Form82=
2156 MinV82=
2157 MaxV82=
2158 Title83=
2159 Expr83=
2160 Form83=
2161 MinV83=
2162 MaxV83=
2163 Title84=
2164 Expr84=
2165 Form84=
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2167 MaxV84=
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2169 Expr85=
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2173 Title86=
2174 Expr86=
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2177 MaxV86=
2178 Title87=
2179 Expr87=
2180 Form87=
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2182 MaxV87=
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2184 Expr88=
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2186 MinV88=
2187 MaxV88=
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2189 Expr89=
2190 Form89=
2191 MinV89=
2192 MaxV89=
2193 Title90=
2194 Expr90=
2195 Form90=
2196 MinV90=
2197 MaxV90=
2198 Title91=
2199 Expr91=
2200 Form91=
2201 MinV91=
2202 MaxV91=
2203 Title92=
2204 Expr92=
2205 Form92=
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2207 MaxV92=
2208 Title93=
2209 Expr93=
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2211 MinV93=
2212 MaxV93=
2213 Title94=
2214 Expr94=
2215 Form94=
2216 MinV94=
2217 MaxV94=
2218 Title95=
2219 Expr95=
2220 Form95=
2221 MinV95=
2222 MaxV95=
2223 Title96=
2224 Expr96=
2225 Form96=
2226 MinV96=
2227 MaxV96=
2228 Title97=
2229 Expr97=
2230 Form97=
2231 MinV97=
2232 MaxV97=
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2234 Expr98=
2235 Form98=
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2237 MaxV98=
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